Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pelee Parulas and Some Shorebirds

I headed down to Point Pelee early this morning and met up with Steve Pike. I walked the main road to the Tip before Steve arrived on his bicycle, then we checked out the Tip area.
Many of the birds today were just heard, but along the way  a Black-throated Green Warbler was singing just north of the half-way stop.  A couple of Ovenbirds were singing in the woods as were a couple of American Redstarts among the common birds.

Cedar Waxwing were plentiful today, but midges were even more so!  Black spots on this photo are midges.

The Tip had a number of gulls, but nothing notable.  Many were off the east side where lighting was not good.  It was a year ago I had three Common Loons, but none noted today.
We decided to walk up west beach trail.  Behind the serengeti tree, a Northern Parula was singing.
North of that on the lake was a male Greater Scaup...all alone!
Along the way, many Giant and Spicebush Swallowtails were flying, but practically no dragonflies.

Several Little Wood Satyrs were out today--the first I have seen this year.

Later in the morning I saw this female Twelve-spotted Skimmer south of northwest beach.

It was a fine day, so I headed towards De Laurier. Along the road I heard another Northern Parula north of White Pine with its characteristic song.
Later, Steve mentioned that he another Northern Parula and a Black-throated Green Warbler in the visitor centre area.

Listening at the old maintenance area, I briefly heard a Wilson's Warbler singing.  Often some are lingering into June in southwestern Ontario.

Inspired by Pelee Chickadee's blog post, I checked out the nesting Black Terns on marsh boardwalk.  One had to brave a couple of very aggressive Red-winged Blackbirds along the way!

They are close to the boardwalk, affording stellar views.

On the way home, I slid into Hillman Marsh to check out the shorebird cell.  Habitat is still excellent with many birds to see.  A total of 18 Great Egrets was present.

Semipalmated Sandpipers and Dunlin were feeding, as were Spotted Sandpipers and Black-bellied Plovers.

Quite a few ducks were swimming including the long-staying male Bufflehead.
No Little Gulls today, at least around noon.

Probably most notable was this Lesser Yellowlegs.  Fall migration (uggg!) is not far off, so we will be seeing these again soon!

Nearer home, I quickly checked Angler Line and Mitchell's Bay.  Lots of human activity, but nothing notable in birds.  As I mentioned before, the Yellow-headed Blackbirds have left the scene!

I finally got around to getting the Bird Trax back up after having some difficulty with it.  See right sidebar to check out sightings in Chatham-Kent.

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