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One nice spot to walk is Clark Wright CA southwest of Strathroy. It has a mixed forest where Pine Warbler may nest (did not hear one today) and other birds such as American Redstart. A White-eyed Vireo was singing. This bird seems to be an annual resident here!
After that walk I decided to head up to Joany's Woods. It was much quieter this year, but the cool cloudy weather did not help.
I had several Blue-winged Warblers last year, but not a one today!
An Alder Flycatcher was singing atop some Pine trees, while a couple of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers were in the woods. A Mourning Warbler was singing along the road as I left.
After fighting mosquitoes there, I headed straight south to the crown lands of Skunk's Misery. First stop was at Watterworth Road where Mosside Road ends. Here I listened for Hooded Warblers and Acadian Flycatchers. I got one of each plus another Hooded a bit farther down.
Last year a couple of Magnolia Warblers were on territory here, but I did not hear one today. Perhaps the drone of mosquitoes drowned them out!
Next stop was the Mosa Forest of Skunk's Misery along Sassafras Road. Also Centreville Road and Trillium Roads are part of the complex. I wanted to go for a walk but it did not last long. Mosquitoes were so bad! Seemed like they were the size of hummingbirds and thousands of them!
Mosquito Eater?
The one spot had several Chestnut-sided Warblers as usual along Sassafras.
On my tour (did not get out of the car after that), I counted 8 Hooded Warblers, 2 Acadian Flycatchers, a Blue-winged Warbler (surprised there were not more), a Mourning Warbler or two, and a constantly singing Magnolia Warbler. A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and Pine Warbler were added to the mix. (there were other common birds of course). I did not get a Cerulean Warbler, but they are around. If the weather had been nicer, I would have had better results!
It is a good place for butterflies, but I never saw one today due to the weather. Hopefully July 6 will be nice for the butterfly count there.
I have gone out several times looking for Uplands and have come back empty. Also, having a hard time finding Vesper Sparrow. I keep checking the usual spots SW of Strathroy. Got the White-eyed Vireo today. It has been around since spring.