typical scene around Wallaceburg lately
I like to get out as much as I can and this year I have been taking advantage of every opportunity. I do not have the luck of finding anything spectacular like some, but just love being out.
Anywhere I go I pay attention to my surrounding unlike some people. In today's world, there are so many people in a hurry to go nowhere and have no clue what or who is around them.
This morning I working along the Snye and heard Sedge Wrens over on Walpole Island among other things. An American Bittern flew by in the distance. Barn Swallows, very common around here, were swirling around.
Some photos from late last week....
I thought this scene was neat...three species....
Green Herons seem to be common residents in the Wallaceburg area.
Getting out and about as often as possible is the only way to go. Best way to see things. Always important to keep your eyes open and look at what is around you.