Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dickcissels & Dainties & Snakes & Scopes

young birds abundant

Another hot day.  I headed down to Point Pelee today to see what little was around. The main purpose was to pick up a new spotting scope at Pelee Wings!  I decided on a Vortex Razor 85 mm HD (straight).  It seems to be a popular model.  Those bent ones do not work for me!  Now I need to find some shorebirds.
Tilbury Lagoons is useless this year.  I stopped first thing this morning and was not surprised to find the one cell full of weeds (the one that was good last year).  The big pond is too deep for shorebirds, but a good heron could show up I suppose.
The only shorebirds at Pelee were a few Sanderlings here and there besides Spotted.  Not many gulls today, but a lot were at Wheatley on the concrete rubble.
Butterflies were sparse.  A couple of Fiery Skippers and a Variegated Fritillary were along west beach trail.  A Funereal Duskywing was seen by Henrietta sometime after I talked to her on the trail!

Fiery Skipper

Lots of the red-type saddlebag dragonflies today.

A Fox Snake was showing off on the Tip shelter wall. I could not get all of it in with the lens I had, so you have to piece it together.
SNAKE on the wall!!

As I drove by Hillman Marsh, I heard several Dickcissels singing, so I decided to take a walk to the shorebird cell.

Dainty Sulphurs were all along the trail and I probably saw about a dozen.  These tiny butterflies are mostly on the move and difficult to photograph.

There were about four Dickcissels singing away.

Speaking of this bird, I did not find the Port Lambton one this week.  Perhaps it has moved on.  I will check again tomorrow.

If anyone has an idea what moth is the photo from yesterday, please feel free to comment on that or anything else!
I have the new Peterson moth guide by Beadle and Leckie which is great, but I have not found an exact match yet.

1 comment:

  1. Blake, great posting. I wonder if anyone has checked out the Comber shorebird spot from last year. I doubt much water has had the chance to accumulate, but it might be worth checking. Congrats on the new scope!
