young birds abundant
Another hot day. I headed down to Point Pelee today to see what little was around. The main purpose was to pick up a new spotting scope at Pelee Wings! I decided on a Vortex Razor 85 mm HD (straight). It seems to be a popular model. Those bent ones do not work for me! Now I need to find some shorebirds.
The only shorebirds at Pelee were a few Sanderlings here and there besides Spotted. Not many gulls today, but a lot were at Wheatley on the concrete rubble.
Butterflies were sparse. A couple of Fiery Skippers and a Variegated Fritillary were along west beach trail. A Funereal Duskywing was seen by Henrietta sometime after I talked to her on the trail!
Fiery Skipper
Lots of the red-type saddlebag dragonflies today.
A Fox Snake was showing off on the Tip shelter wall. I could not get all of it in with the lens I had, so you have to piece it together.
SNAKE on the wall!!
As I drove by Hillman Marsh, I heard several Dickcissels singing, so I decided to take a walk to the shorebird cell.
Dainty Sulphurs were all along the trail and I probably saw about a dozen. These tiny butterflies are mostly on the move and difficult to photograph.
There were about four Dickcissels singing away.
Speaking of this bird, I did not find the Port Lambton one this week. Perhaps it has moved on. I will check again tomorrow.
If anyone has an idea what moth is the photo from yesterday, please feel free to comment on that or anything else!
I have the new Peterson moth guide by Beadle and Leckie which is great, but I have not found an exact match yet.
Blake, great posting. I wonder if anyone has checked out the Comber shorebird spot from last year. I doubt much water has had the chance to accumulate, but it might be worth checking. Congrats on the new scope!