Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Yesterday was a fabulous day weatherwise.  Just right.  Today was warmer though as the wind switched to the SW.
This morning I checked a few fields west of Wallaceburg and came up with 14 Sandhill Cranes.  These two were fairly close for a nice scene.

Blackbirds are flocking up in the fields and got in the way of this photo.

Great Blue in Black Creek at Pretty Road bridge:

I check Stewart Wetland faithfully everyday, but little has come in.  I have seen few shorebirds anywhere this summer and it is almost the end of July!  Not as much habitat as last year since some spots are too dry.

Yesterday a couple of Solitary Sandpipers were at Stewart.  One was missing the lower half of its left leg.
Solitary Sandpiper with Solitary leg

I did some driving around this evening which was a complete waste of time.  Little to see!

Stopped at ICI Pond.. Mostly Mallard there.

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