Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunny Sunday

Today was actually very nice.  All week the forecast predicted rain and thunderstorms for today.  As usual, the weather forecast was totally wrong, as the sun was out all day and much warmer than anticipated.  I had plans to go to Point Pelee, but I would have gone anyway!
It was a bit foggy at the Tip, but many birds were around.  Most were Golden-crowned Kinglets (all over today!).  I met up with several folks, so a good time was had.
Nothing noteworthy at the Tip, but nice to be out.
Nice to bee out!
Afterwards I walked a bit of Anders at De Laurier and then Woodland Trail.  Through Redbud Trail I encountered a Hermit Thrush, Fox Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe and Yellow-rumped Warbler.  The Hermit was actually a first for 2012 if you can believe that.  Not many wintered.
Woodland had at least 2 Winter Wrens. I heard some Tree Swallows overhead, which was something I wanted to get today (FOY!).

I then decided to walk half of West Beach Trail.  It was quite warm and I saw several Eastern Commas.  I was hoping for something else, but it is early (!) and no flowers are out.

Garter Snake all balled up

On the way out, I walked all along NW Beach parking lot.  Several Sparrows, but nothing noteworthy.  Tree Swallows were flying about the dead trees.

Here I saw my first dragonfly of the year--Green Darner.  I flushed it off the edge of the parking lot, but it took right off never to be seen again.  I also saw another at the end of Rd. E and Rd. 19.

Along Rd. 19 were some gulls.  One appeared to be a Great Black-backed X Herring Gull on Conc. C.

Nearer home, I saw one Snowy Owl near the SW corner of Marsh Line and Winter Line.  The usual spot.
I checked Angler Line (hoping for Yellowheaded Blackbird), but none were to be found.  I got a view of Curly Clark's wetland.  Some work has been done in the past year and it looks good.  A good variety of ducks was present plus a Pied-billed Grebe.

1 comment:

  1. was nice to see you out there! I think your Green Darner is the first I have heard of in Ontario this year
