Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fog Blog (or Blog Fog?)

I hope some of you were not anxiously waiting for a blog post today!  It was not a good day.  There was dense fog this morning, and it was not surprising.  Just before dark last evening, everything was just plain damp.
Rondeau was foggy all morning, but inland it was fine by mid morning.  Beautiful up this way in the afternoon though.  Yet again I did not find much.

I was going to go to Pelee, but had no intention driving the distance in dense fog.  I have done that before and it was scary, especially in the dark!  I thought maybe I'd go in the afternoon, but it was foggy all along Lake Erie all morning.  I forgot my park pass anyway....forget it...

I arrived at Rondeau after eight.  Lots of birds were singing in the fog.  Sparrows were plentiful (even more Song Sparrows in!) and I encountered several Fox Sparrows and Field Sparrows.

The first part of south point had at least a half dozen Fox Sparrows.  They are my favourite sparrow!  None co-operated for a photo, but it would be no good anyway in the fog.
Frogs were singing.  Chorus frogs, Wood frogs and Spring Peepers.  Some toads too.
A couple of Eastern Phoebes were present, and migrant Golden-crowned Kinglets were scattered throughout the park.
Also finally had my first American Woodcock of the year.
I walked Spicebush Trail hoping for a record-early Louisiana Waterthrush.  It was quiet except for several Hairy Woodpeckers communicating by rattling on dead trees.
An Eastern Bluebird was singing at the playground area for quite some time.
I decided to cut through the fog and go to Ridgetown.  It was nice and sunny up there, but just the usual geese in.  Included were 13 Snow Geese, which I believe are the same ones from two weeks ago or more.

Next stop was Blenheim Lagoons with a wide open gate.  Somebody must have left in a hurry!  Some people are just clueless anymore.
Nothing much there, but I did not check the whole place.


I checked the usual spots at Erieau.  Fox Sparrows on the marsh trail too.  Absolutely nothing at the harbour, channel, etc.

McGeachy Pond dike had a few birds including a male towhee.  Not enough spots on that one.

This afternoon I went for a walk at McKeough CA and drove around a bit.  I saw one recently emerged Eastern Comma there.

Eastern Comma

Tiger Beetle at McKeough


  1. Sounds like a good day despite the fog.

  2. I love the water droplets and the moon. I get the sense of being out there in the fog from these photos.

  3. Actually that is the sun! Shows how foggy it was....
