Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March Mis-ID's and World Water Day

It is difficult to get motivated to work in this unprecedented weather.  It was hot and humid today--something I never expected on a consistent basis this time of year.  Even too hot to have the doors open!
So many things are coming out as record early.

I managed to get up to Reid CA after supper today.  Perhaps a bit too late in the day to see many butterflies.  I did get a couple of Eastern Commas and a FOY Cabbage White.  I was hoping to get something different though!

Frogs and toads were singing.  I heard my FOY Tree Frogs today there.

this is an Eastern Comma

With the Question Marks at Point Pelee, one never knows.  That is the only place they have been found so far, and it looks like someone made a mis-identification in Cambridge!
this is a Question Mark

Speaking of mis-ID's, some interesting sightings have been made in Sarnia as listed on eBird.  Yellow Warblers, Indigo Buntings, Baltimore Orioles, Eastern Kingbird, and 50 Little Gulls, among others!  Good grief, what is this guy looking at?  Let's use some common sense.  With the increase in eBird reports, one has much more to sift through  to sort fact from fiction.

Tomorrow, March 22 is World Water Day. I have little idea what that means!

waterbird in water


  1. Really makes you scratch your head, sometimes! I feel sorry for Mike (and anyone else) who has to continually go through and invalidate all of those bogus reports!

  2. The best one at Pelee was a racing
    pigeon that some guy called a
    Ptarmigan. Everybody rushed to the

    I'm glad that I didn't go look for
    the Common Nighthawk in Erin a
    couple of days ago.

    Yesterday I looked for the Pine
    Warbler in Guelph, but that one is
