Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Chorus

It was just like a nice day in May today! Too bad it is a weekday!  Every wet spot had chorus frogs in full song.
There were many reports of Turkey Vultures today.  Some were lazily flying over my place around supper time.

Coltsfoot was out today at the workplace.  It could have been out yesterday, but I did not notice!

This morning, many ducks were heading north on the St. Clair River.  I did catch sight of one White-winged Scoter--something not too common on the river.

This evening, I went for a walk up at McKeough CA.  It was nice to be out in a short-sleeved shirt.  Nothing noteworthy in birds there, but a few common things were around the parking lot.
Blossoms are out on silver maples, and the bees were working the blooms already

Honey bees were swarming around the hives.

Common Grackle stealing sunflower seeds

Looking forward to getting out on the weekend!


  1. I didn't realize that Coltsfoot can grow upside down!

  2. Coltsfoot photo was from last year. Not sure why they looked like that, but I guess they can grow any way they choose!
    This year's were bright and perky pointing towards the sky.

  3. I think that Coltfoot picture is upside-down!
