Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Warbler!

Birded Rondeau Park and area today.  Some new birds in, but the terrible weather did not help in finding much.  Of course it was the weekend, so what do you expect?!
Met up with Steve and Jim on South Point Trail. A few Fox Sparrows and Eastern Phoebes were around as expected, but not much to see on that trail.
Around the Visitor Centre, some sparrows were in, and several Tufted Titmice.  Later, on my own, I looked at many Dark-eyed Juncos.  One looked a little different--perhaps some "Oregon" involved, but it just had the dark hood.

Along Lakeshore Rd., Jim spotted our first Pine Warbler of the year foraging on a lawn. (No photo available!)   Not sure what the record early date is for Rondeau, but it is close.  Usually we are looking for these things in mid April!  Quite a few birds were in that area including a White-throated Sparrow.
Spicebush Trail was disappointing other than lots of kinglets and creepers.

Pine Warbler from the past

Wood Duck

Quite a few sparrows were around the Park Store, including a Chippie or two.
We walked out Marsh Trail to the tower and noted a Virginia Rail making noise nearby.  A couple of Sandhill Cranes were way out the marsh.
A Greater Yellowlegs was in the pond near the corner of Bisnett and Erieau Roads.  That was the first of that type this year.
Medium Yellowlegs

Blenheim Lagoons had a nice variety of ducks.  I noted a male Mallard X Black duck in the back pond.
Lots of Bufflehead around.  I heard a couple of latish Snow Buntings fly over while there.  Two Savannah Sparrows were along the dyke.  Possibly the ones that wintered there.

Late today, I went out to Port Lambton and saw the Long-tailed Ducks.  Many have been floating downriver in rafts of 40-60.  It is interesting to watch them as they all will dive at the same time.

Last evening I noted FOY Wilson's Snipe at Stewart Wetland.

Long-tailed Ducks


1 comment:

  1. Very very sweet on the Pine Warbler!!! We are really only 4-5 weeks days away from when all heck can break loose in late April. I'm getting pretty excited!
