Sunday, October 2, 2011

Another Windy Day

Question Mark at Rondeau

I decided to head down to Rondeau this morning.  The early morning was fairly calm and the night had been clear, so some movement of birds occurred.  Looks like many things left!
Yesterday Jim Burk had lots of birds in Rondeau.  Along the south point beach he had an American Avocet, Parasitic Jaeger.  He counted 21 species of warblers among other things.
Today was different.  Fewer birds--about 12 species of warblers, but there was a changeover.  Many more Yellow-rumped Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Juncos, etc.  Signs of fall!  Eastern Phoebe was present in big numbers.
The wind picked up as the day went on and probably reached 35 clicks at least.  I braved the Blenheim Lagoons.  That place is windy even on a calm day.  Lots of shorebirds in the sprinklers, but nothing really new. A few Dunlin were in, but mostly Lesser Yellowlegs, big yellowlegs, a few Stilt Sandpipers and even a Wilson's Snipe.  At least 4 Horned Grebes were present (Jim had 8? yesterday).
Back at Rondeau, Jim and I encountered an albino American Robin.  It was a partial albino of course, but I had to do a double take when I saw a white bird at the top of a dead tree!

Almost forgot to mention, lots of Pine Siskins flying over or working south point this morning.  These are the first for the fall!

It was still a good wind for Point Edward today (40 k), so I wonder what was up there.
I hate sitting in one spot for hours.  Usually you don't get two good days in a row anyway.

Gulls were hunkered down today!

It will get warmer this week, and likely I will head straight to the Tip next Saturday.  Pelee that is.

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