Saturday, January 13, 2024

Bay Birding and another Limpkin Look

 A couple of days ago, I stopped by the Mitchell's Bay south shore trail.  We have had more winter-like weather recently, and a light coating of snow gave it a more seasonal atmosphere.

There were hardly any birds along the trail, but with the Bay completely ice-free, ducks were quite happy.  The area off the trail was loaded with many ducks.  Most seemed to be Ruddy and Redhead.  Perhaps 1500 Ruddy were there, and who knows what else since I did not have a scope!

I stopped by one of my old workplaces.  The property has a small woodlot and a couple of ponds.  Eastern Screech-owls seem to like the duck boxes this time of year.  I found one creature snoozing after a hard night.

Yesterday, I decided to take another look at the Limpkin at Wheatley Provincial Park.  It has found its niche in a small creek at the edge of the park.  Lighting was a bit dull, but I did get a few photos.

The bird has found an ample supply of snails in this creek, and it looks lively and healthy.  Limpkins specialize in snails and mollusks, so this bird is happy for now.  However, the upcoming cold weather may change things as any open water will freeze.

From what I see, the Limpkin is finding mainly Mystery Snails, non-native species.  During my short visit, the bird found several snails.  It was interesting to watch it in action, as it probed the mud underwater, and came up with a snail!

While in the area, I checked out Wheatley Harbour (lots of gulls) and Hillman Marsh.  Nothing of note though.

I took the scenic route home, and went up to Lighthouse Cove.  I saw four Double-crested Cormorants among other things, but they are often found here in winter.

Around St. Clair NWA, there were lots of geese, but I could find nothing but Canada's!

Today was a different story, with extreme winds and a light dusting of snow.  I did not do much  today, but the feeders were busy with common birds.

At the end of the day, the White-throated Sparrow finally showed up.  I had not seen it in a week or so.

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