Saturday, November 6, 2021

Birthday Bird!

 Today turned out to be a decent day.  Yesterday and today I was ecstatic that we had sunny days!

This morning I went to Pelee in hopes of finding something good.  Today is my birthday (age undetermined) and I had hoped to find something decent in the avian world.  There was lots of action at the Tip first thing, but then it dropped off quickly.

I then walked to Sparrow Field and stood there with Michael M. as many birds were passing over.  An Eastern Bluebird perched nearby in the morning sun.

After some time at De Laurier, I headed over to Hillman Marsh shorebird cell.  Fewer birds than yesterday and nothing note.

On the way home, I stopped by Mitchell's Bay south shore trail as I often do.  I almost bypassed it, but decided, what the heck.

Well, after being lost at sea for a long time, my ship finally came in.  Early on I spotted a bird that had me baffled.  Not sure why, as I should have recognized it since I found one of these before!  It struck me as a thrasher, and Sage certainly crossed my mind.  After some discussion with others, it was indeed a Sage Thrasher!

Birthday bird found!!

I snapped some quick photos before it disappeared.  I stuck it out for at least an hour and Steve Charbonneau arrived.  We looked for some time, then I spotted it in a tangle.

Hopefully it can be seen by others.

March 16, 1997 is etched in my mind, as I spotted a Sage Thrasher out my bedroom window here in Wallaceburg!  That bird stayed at least a month to be seen by countless birders.

Some Cedar Waxwings perched nicely nearby as we were looking for the thrasher.


  1. Great find with the Sage Thrasher, Blake! Happy Birthday!

  2. Great Birthday gift Blake --Congrats!
    You will sleep well tonight, with a smile.
    ---from Irene

  3. Awesome bird Blake! I saw your bird today, an Ontario first for me. I owe you one!

    1. Glad I could share my birthday bird with everyone. I have been following who all has come--quite a crowd! I will put my order in soon for another good bird.
