Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Birding On Fool's Day

No fooling, it was downright warm today!  Although cooler along Lake Erie at Point Pelee this morning, on the way home this afternoon some spots reached 18 Celsius. With the strong southerly wind, I figured today was a good day to take off and check out Pelee.
I started at the Tip shortly after 8 a.m.  Already it was obvious many kinglets and creepers were working the woods, and gulls (especially Bonaparte's) and ducks were on the move out on the lake.

This American Coot was all alone adjacent to the very tip as I arrived.

Bonaparte's Gulls were steadily moving southwards, especially on the west side.  It was evident that many songbirds were in reverse migration.  Perhaps they know something is in the works with regards to the weather!  Quite a few Eastern Phoebes went by as Alan Wormington and I watched.
Several Eastern Meadowlarks were moving around as well.  A few Eastern Bluebirds went south also.

Waterfowl and other waterbirds included Green-winged Teal, all three scoters (I saw at least 2 Black), Pink-footed Goose (2), Common Loon (1 only), Glaucous Gull (2), and Double-crested Cormorants.  It took a while for the cormorants to kick in!  Of course there were the usual scaup, Bufflehead, mergansers.

White-winged Scoters

I saw a total of 5 Tree Swallows "bailing" the province.

I checked out Sparrow Field but not much was there except a Savannah Sparrow beside the road with Song Sparrows.  Some meadowlarks were around too.

Next walk was at De Laurier and Ander's Footpath. More phoebes and sparrows including a Vesper.  I finally saw for the year, Chipping Sparrows in the parking lot.

I did check the wet spots in the fields and Hillman, but there seemed to be little around today!

Just in the last two days, lots of ice and snow has disappeared.  It was a good day to recharge one's batteries!


  1. I'll let you write up those Pink-footed Geese!

  2. a few of us birdwatchers are headed up to Wallaceburg Saturday April 5 to catch a glimpse of the ducks etc. Where is the best spot? are there any rare birds in the area we should be on the lookout for? Thanks!

  3. R LD,
    I assume you want to go to the St. Clair River. By this time of year you will not find large rafts of ducks, but there should be some things of interest. Start at Port Lambton and work your way up the St. Clair Parkway. The best spot lately is at the head of Stag Island just north of the village of Corunna. Pull into Guthrie Park. A scope will be needed! You have to seek out the rarities of get lucky!
