Monday, March 31, 2014

More Grebes and Spring Sightings

People really came out of the woodwork today with the very nice weather!  After this long and brutal winter, everyone was anxious to get out and enjoy it.
I decided to give the river one last good look today.  There was no wind and lighting was excellent making for a very calm river in the morning.
One Red-necked Grebe was still at Cathcart Park.  One was found dead a few days ago.

A Horned Grebe still sporting mostly winter plumage was at Willow Park.

The  head of Stag Island had most of the activity as usual.  I found the male Harlequin Duck sleeping beside the island.  Although lighting was excellent, it was still too far away, but here is a highly-cropped record shot.

About a dozen White-winged Scoters in the distance, the same as last week.

Some Gadwall came in close for good photos.

I checked several Sarnia spots for birds, but things are still quite frozen.  Perch Creek Habitat Area was somewhat quiet, but I flushed up a woodcock finally.  I also saw my first butterfly of the year--an Eastern Comma!  Usually we see them earlier than this.
Later in the afternoon I checked Sarnia Bay and came up with two Red-necked Grebes by the Duc D'Orleans. One was duller than the other.

Local Mallard....

1 comment:

  1. Blake, great report. That Harlequin duck is a sleeping beauty. I've never seen one, even after visiting the west coast a few years ago. March came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. But the lamb just arrived on the very last day of the month!
