Saturday, November 10, 2012

Eurasian Wigeon and Rondeau

Headed down to Rondeau once again.  Birding was rather slow as many birds obviously departed during the week.  Not much photo opportunity either!  It was obviously the weekend as the skies were dreary again.
Little flying over this weekend compared to last.  No finch types other than a couple of Pine Siskins and a few Common Redpolls at the Visitor Centre feeder area.
A number of Carolina Wrens were around today in various spots.

No owls found in the park either.  No doubt there are some.  Saw-whet was heard in the campground a couple of nights ago by a local resident.
While scoping the Bay with Steve and Jim at the Rondeau Park dock, a Eurasian Wigeon was located.  Steve spotted this obvious male feeding with American Wigeon.  In fact, American Wigeon was the most common duck on the Bay.  Probably the largest number we have seen!
The last time I saw a Euro Wigeon at Rondeau was in December 2004!  Previous to that, there were a couple on the Bay during the time of the Tropical Kingbird back in November 2002.  (Was that ten years ago already??!).
Shorebirds included well over 100 Dunlin and up to 10 Wilson's Snipe at the corner of the Bay just outside the park.  Later, I had a couple of Killdeer at the end of Lagoon Road.
Lots of Northern Shoveler were around today, especially at the lagoons.

We thoroughly searched Erieau for Cave Swallows, but came up with zilch.  Along the R/R track trail, there were actually lots of sparrows to look at.  Several Fox, White-throated, White-crowned, Tree, etc.  Hardly any sparrows in the park.

The Erieau pier had lots of gulls including at least one Lesser Black-backed Gull.

After checking the Cedar Springs area (lots of bonies on the water), I went back to Erieau.  Still no swallows along the trail. I also walked McGeachy Pond dike.  Very little except a few fast-moving Chickadees.  The most interesting sighting was Josh Vandermeulen who was still unsuccessful with Cave Swallows to that point!
Earlier, heading towards Erieau, I spotted a Snowy Owl in the corn field near the corner of Bisnett and Fargo Roads.  First one of the season.

Sunday looks good for birding, and perhaps butterflies as well.

1 comment:

  1. Nice running into you, Blake. I will see you at the tip tomorrow morning!
