Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Stuff

Not much to do today.  I just drove around a bit.  Good thing I did not go to Leamington.  We had heavy rain overnight, but I did not realize what had happened until I saw photos on the news about Leamington.
Reminds me of a funnel cloud I saw a couple of years ago justoutside Wallaceburg...

The sun was out this afternoon, so I checked out Reid CA.  Nothing new there, but European Skippers are becoming numerous. 

The Indian Hemp/Dogbane will be in bloom sometime this week.  I expect to see Banded Hairstreaks in about a week.

I came across a couple of female Hooded Mergansers at the McKellar Tract on Bickford Line.  Didn't get a photo though, I thought that was interesting.
I drove through some areas that used to have wonderful pastures.  There were always lots of birds there.  Upland Sandpipers, Eastern Bluebirds, Eastern Meadowlarks, Grasshopper Sparrows used to be common.  Even Sedge Wrens in some years were present.  One year we had Dickcissels.  Even the odd Northern Bobwhite was seen.  Try and find some of these species now in this monoculture of cash crops!
We used to start our Big Day adventures around those pastures to get all the grassland type birds.  It would be pointless today.

Robber Flies

1 comment:

  1. Blake, great posting. I went to Skunks Misery with the OFO group today and then dropped by St Clair NWA. Did not see much either.
