Saturday, June 5, 2010

Turtle Time

White-striped Black Moth

Got out for one last kick at the can for Rondeau until July.  The only migrant songbird was a single Blackpoll Warbler on south point trail.  I have seen nothing around Wallaceburg for over a week!  This is certainly the first time that has happened since I started birding.
A single Black-bellied Plover was on the beach.  As well, one flew over Blenheim Lagoons while I was there.  At the lagoons was a  large number of Mallards, one Black Duck, one male Blue-winged Teal and a pair of Shovelers.  There was also a group of Ruddy Ducks.
Hobomok Skipper

Butterflies were out today.  Summer Azures have emerged in big numbers.  The only skippers were European and Hobomok.  Lots of Question Marks are out, as well as Red Admirals.

Eastern Comma

Question Mark

Over at McGeachy Pond, Erieau I found a flurry of butterflies along the dyke.  Most numerous of course were Red Admirals, but a single Milbert's Tortoiseshell caught my eye.  We do not see them very often in the Rondeau area.  In fact, I have only seen a couple out Rondeau's marsh trail years ago.

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

On the R/R track trail, lots of butterflies were on the phlox plants or other flowers.  I did see one Eastern Comma with several Question Marks, Red Admirals and American Lady butterflies.

Question Mark

Regarding turtles, Snapping Turtles were out all over laying eggs.  However, it seems they are fighting a losing battle due to Raccoons. 

Everywhere they deposited eggs, the spot was dug up and littered with shells.

Snapping Turtles

This evening, I went out in the boat down the St. Clair River to the lake.  It was nice and refreshing. 

Detroit Skyline in the Distance

Not many birds were seen, but I did see one female Redhead duck, one Caspian Tern, one Black Tern and of course several Forster's Terns.  An American Bittern flew over at one point.

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