Friday, June 11, 2010

She's In!!

1964 Lyman 28'

My big winter project was put in the water yesterday, and today we took her out for a shakedown cruise this morning.  There were a few minor kinks, but overall the boat performed very well.  It is a nice riding boat!
(Obviously while riding in the boat, I could not get photos of it running!)

It was by far the biggest undertaking in my career as a boat restorer.  I've done a lot of big jobs on bigger boats, but this one took the most hours.  Overall we pushed 1000 hours total on this project.

On the St. Clair River

The owners hope to leave with the boat on Sunday, weather permitting.  They want to run it all the way up to Pointe Au Baril in Georgian Bay.
The senior member of the family stopped by last week and was almost speechless at the appearance of the boat.

Passing Stewart Wetland on the Chenal Ecarte

This has been the busiest year in a long time, and we are finally getting caught up with the work.



  1. Wow! We've seen some of your other work but this one takes the cake. Congratulations! McLean Line friends
