Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some Insects

American Lady

Got out briefly this afternoon.  Of course, by then it was mostly cloudy.  Weather forecast was wrong again for this weekend.  The sun is back out!
Saw my first Gray Comma for the year at McKeough CA.  These are not too common, but in fact I don't think I have seen one before at McKeough.

Gray Comma

A few dragonflies were out, including a Pronghorn Clubtail.  These are reliable at McKeough.

Pronghorn Clubtail

European Skippers are out by the dozens.  The only other skipper today was a Silver-spotted.
There were a few other common species out, but not many.

female White-faced Meadohawk?

damselfly species


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You seem to know your butterflies quite well. I was at the Pinery on the weekend and saw this black and blue butterfly that looked a t lot like a spicebush swallowtail without the two bottom pieces. I can't seem to find out what kind it is and I was wondering if you could help me identify it. I have a picture on my blog at:
    You help would be appreciated because I am stumped.
