Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No Hairstreaks Yet

Southern (Northern Oak) Hairstreak June 22, 2008
(discovery of first colony in Canada!)

A nice day was on hand, so I headed out after supper hoping to see some new butterflies.  Nothing new was out there so I suppose we are in between broods.  I did see a worn Hobomok Skipper, so they are getting towards the end of their life cycle.  We have had them into July, and the latest ones I have seen were about July 20 (Long Point Tip). 
Hairstreaks should be showing up any day.  I would have thought that they would be out by now since everything else has been early.  Certainly by this weekend we should see Banded, and hopefully Northern Oak.

In other news, this morning I was surprised to see four hatch year Hooded Mergansers at Brander Park.  They must have nested somewhere nearby.

I took some photos this evening of some butterflies.

Red-spotted Purple (worn)

Northern Crescent

Common Ringlet

Orange Sulphur

European Skipper

Little Wood Satyr

Hobomok Skipper (worn)

1 comment:

  1. Blake, its always a learning experience when reading your posts. I photographed some Red-spotted Purple butterflies last weekend, but did not know the name until you posted the photo and the name.
    Thanks for posting this information.
