Friday, June 18, 2010

Hairstreaks are Appearing

Banded Hairstreak

With the extremely warm temperatures today, some new butterflies had to be out.  I checked out Reid CA both at noon and after work today.  Pretty much on schedule, some Banded Hairstreaks were out, but only along the road on Common Milkweed.   I did find one Edwards' Hairstreak as well. 

Edwards' Hairstreak

One has to look very closely at these as they look quite a bit alike.  They are easy to identify once you know the characteristics, but Banded and Hickory are remarkably similar.
I did come across one very bizarre-looking Banded Hairstreak.  Not sure what is going on there!  A poor photo, but one can see the extra blue.


Other new butterflies for the year included Common Wood Nymph, Peck's Skipper, Long Dash and Appalachian Eyed Brown. 

Long Dash Skipper

At work yesterday I spotted a Delaware Skipper while I was wandering around during lunch hour.
I also look at dragonflies--you never know what is around!  I just saw common stuff today, but once in a while you may turn up something uncommon or rare.

Virginia Ctenucha Moth (very common at Reid!)

Common Whitetail (male)

Common Whitetail

Common Whitetail (female)

Widow Skimmer (male)

1 comment:

  1. Blake, Great photos and information. Is there a peak time for butterflies in the summer, just as birding 'peaks' in mid May?

    I might try to go to the Spring-garden area of Ojibway in July and try to get some of these beauties photographed.
