Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today's Sightings

Well, not much to report as it is a weekday and I was at work.  I woke up this morning to the tune of a Warbling Vireo in the yard.  There was virtually nothing at Brander Park, Port Lambton this morning strange as it may seem--where are the birds?.  The Black Terns have not even arrived. 
However, I briefly stopped at Stewart Wetland and a few shorebirds were there.  Species included Lesser Yellowlegs, Dunlin, Solitary Sandpiper and of course Killdeer.  I did not have a scope though.

Solitary Sandpiper in flight

This evening, after being discouraged by all the good birds reported on Ontbirds, I headed up to Reid CA for a walk.  A Yellow-rumped Warbler greeted me at the gate, but that was the end of the warblers right there!  Except there was a pair of Common Yellowthroats in the old oxbow.

A solitary Solitary Sandpiper

I scared up two Solitary Sandpipers in the wet area. One went up to the back field and I managed some low quality photos. I had them there last year as well.

Question Mark on log

Juvenal's Duskywing on Wild Geranium

Butterflies included several Juvenal's Duskywings, Question Marks, Spring Azure, Red Admirals and the first Silver-spotted Skipper.  I do not know when the Silver-spotteds usually first appear, but it is early.  According to some literature, this species does not appear until at least mid May, and usually later!
Silver-spotted Skipper on Dandelion

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