Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mid-Week Birding

I cannot stay in the house for any length of time this time of year.  I decided to go  down to Blenheim and Erieau this evening in hopes I came across some good birds.  I have not seen a lot of birds yet this May, but the weather has something to do with it!

At Blenheim sewage lagoons, there were lots of shorebirds.  Most numerous were Dunlin (perhaps 250), and others included Least Sandpiper and Pectoral Sandpiper, not to mention both Yellowlegs species.  As well, about a dozen Long-billed Dowitchers (I assume!) were in.  Another first for the year.  Highlight included at least four Wilson's Phalaropes.  They seem to like Blenheim!  There were as many as seven earlier in the week.
Next stop was Erieau, but I had to check for the Cattle Egret.  It was sitting up proudly on a flat structure as I arrived.  It has been a long time since I have seen a Cattle Egret.

I checked out the Erieau marsh trail (aka R/R tracks) and saw a Veery and some Nashville Warblers.  A quick stop at the Erieau pier revealed the usual gulls.
I walked McGeachy Pond dyke but did not see much.  A Black-crowned Night-Heron was new for the year.

1 comment:

  1. Blake,
    Great photos of the Wilson's Phalaropes. I've never seen that bird. Also, the Erieau gull photo is pretty neat. I guess its the fourth weekend in a row of bad weather! I'm going to try to get to Rondeau around 7:30 AM on Saturday. Maybe we'll run into each other.
