Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday May 8

As this bizarre weekend weather continues (is there no end to it?), many were out birding today at Rondeau Park.  It was tough, but some good pockets of warblers were around.  It seemed to be best at the north end of the park along the sloughs.
I started on south point trail, but the only notable bird was a Yellow-breasted Chat.  It was singing up a storm (literally!). 

Some good flocks of warblers were near the north end, but they were moving fast.  It was hard to keep up to them.  One could go back to the same spot and see the same general flock, but some different birds. 
There was a large number of Nashville Warblers in the park.  There were actually groups of a half dozen or so at a time. 

Black-throated Green Warblers were plentiful as well.  Several Northern Parulas were nice to see and hear.

A few Scarlet Tanagers were in the woods. I saw one on Spicebush Trail eating a Red Admiral butterfly. I did not get the camera on it in time though.

I saw at least 22 species of warblers, but others in the park that I did not see included Canada, Golden-winged, Blue-winged (tough miss!), Prairie and Cerulean.
I saw one Orange-crowned which is not too common in the spring.  I saw two Hooded Warblers together.  Although uncommon, I see lots of Hooded in the springtime.
Palm Warblers were plentiful.  I saw a group behind maintenance that came in close, then turned around and went back into the slough!

Tomorrow should be decent as the winds start to die.

1 comment:

  1. Great seeing you today Blake. I had to leave at 12:30 so I figured I would blaze a third lap around Spicebush trail. Great photos!
