Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rondeau: Weekend Birding

Today was nice and sunny for the most part, but very cold.  However, birding was excellent at Rondeau Park.  There were lots of warblers, and if you in the right spot at the right time, it was fabulous birding.  In fact, it has been a couple years or more since I have had such good warbler watching.  Quick ID skills were necessary!

best I could do for fast-moving Hooded Warbler!

Best birding was in the north half of the park along the sloughs.  The birds were moving around quickly though, so you had to keep up with them or be in the right spot when they were there.
To my total of 22 warbler species from Saturday, I added Blue-winged, Golden-winged, Pine, Canada and Prothonotary to my weekend list. 

female Pine Warbler

Some shorebirds were added today including Willet, Solitary Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, and Semipalmated Plover.
Some male Eastern Bluebirds at dawn were nice to see.

I also added White-eyed Vireo and Yellow-throated Vireo.

White-eyed Vireo

My weekend list at Rondeau came to 121 species without trying for a Big Day.
I did some totals, and at least 147+ species of birds were at Rondeau this weekend.  Steve Charbonneau and Mac McAlpine did a 24h Big Day in the park and came up with 131 species, one short of last year's total.  It all comes down to being at the right place at the right time.  I had several species that they did not see.
Total Warbler species in the park this weekend was 32  A Kentucky was a late addition to the list.  No individual birder had that many on their list, but it is possible.  Back in the "old days", on May 18, 1996 I had 31 species of warblers.  On the weekend of May 18-20, 1996  totalled 34 species of warblers at Rondeau.

Big news this weekend was a Blue Grosbeak in the campground late Saturday afternoon.  It was not seen today as far as I know.  I saw the photos and they were diagnostic.  We looked for it, but were unsuccessful.

Totals would have been higher if it was not for Saturday's ridiculous weather.  Gale force winds and rain off and on put a damper on things.
All in all, it was a good weekend.

American Lady in the Dunes

1 comment:

  1. Impressive numbers Blake! I think in one year of birding I'm just hitting about 140
