Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18

Another view of the Yellow-headed Blackbird

Today was the last day of my week off.  The weather was crappy once again!  Talk about getting sick of this weather...........

At first light today I checked out Blenheim Lagoons.  The Red-necked Phalarope was hanging out with Dunlin today.  No sign of the Curlew Sandpiper.  Apparently it was only there for a short while yesterday morning and seen by one lucky person.

I decided to sit at Erieau to watch gulls and terns for a while.  The rain held off.  Lots of gulls were out on the lake.  Much too far to do anything with.  I did pick out one Little Gull and the leucistic Bonaparte's stood out.  Small groups of Bonaparte's Gulls were coming from the west, and one had a darker mantle.  Although rather distant, I believe it was a Franklin's.
Some Black Terns were out on the lake.  They have finally come in, as I saw several at Port Lambton late yesterday.

The "Ghost"

With the rain still holding off, I did some walking at Rondeau Park.  I did not come up with anything new, but noticed that more Swainson's Thrushes and Red-eyed Vireos were in.

Yesterday, on my walk back along the south beach, I accidentally came across a Woodcock nest.  There are lots of Woodcocks out there, but they hide well!

A large Garter Snake....

1 comment:

  1. Blake, interesting posting. I'm still blown away that you saw a Least Bittern on the West Beach of PPNP! Thanks for the advice on my posting today. I might try to go to PPNP or Rondeau this Saturday.
