Friday, May 21, 2010

Holiday Weekend

There should still be lots of birds around this weekend.  Usually there is a large variety of species present on the May Holiday Weekend.  Some early stuff will be lingering and the later stuff will be around.  Thrushes and vireos seemed to have arrived in numbers in the last few days.  A good variety of warblers will be around, and for shorebirds, Whimbrel will appear in numbers in the next few days.
Yesterday at Brander Park, Port Lambton, a few warblers were present including a Cerulean.  I heard it singing at the top of the highest trees, but could never get a good view of it.  It is only the second of that species I have had there.  It is the only regular warbler that I had missed this spring.
A Swainson's Thrush (wish it was a warbler!) was singing in my yard this morning. I can still hear it out there somewhere right now.
Black Terns finally arrived in numbers in the last week.  I hear them flying around Port Lambton every day.

Yesterday I looked at some Juvenal's Duskywings at Reid CA.  I was a bit disappointed as there were practically no butterflies nor migrant birds.  The only migrant bird was a White-crowned Sparrow, which I almost missed!

For those interested, we are almost done that big winter project!

 It is almost complete save for installing the steering and finishing up a few odds and ends.

Back in December......................

May is almost over!

1 comment:

  1. Blake, thanks for the great information. I think I'm going to go out one more time with the Ojibway group to PPNP tomorrow. But I'm worried it will be more of a botany viewing session then avifauna.

    Impressive work on the boats!
