Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's May!!

Red Admiral

It was a fairly decent day for birding at Rondeau Park.  Not a lot of birds, but a good variety.  Weather was half decent, but we did get a thunder storm in the morning with some rain.  It would not be the weekend if we did not!  The sun actually came out for a little while in the afternoon--highly unusual!  Not much opportunity for photography, or at least good shots.
Blue-winged Warbler

We totalled at least 14 species of warblers.  Probably the best was a Prothonotary which came right to the visitor centre window during the rain.  It stayed there for about 15 minutes! 
I saw at least 4 Blue-winged Warblers, a female Tennessee Warbler, a couple Northern Parula, Cape May, Palm Warbler, a couple American Redstarts, etc. 

American Redstart

The Nashville Warblers were the most numerous--you could see three or four at a time.  Lots of Black-throated Green as well.

Black-throated Green Warbler

Both Oriole types were in, plus Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Indigo Buntings.
We saw several female Scarlet Tanagers, but the highlight was a male Summer Tanager.  I did not see a Summer last year, for the first time in a long time.
The first Lincoln's Sparrows came in plus White-crowned, and others.
Thrushes included Wood, Swainson's and Hermit.  A friend told me that he had a Gray-cheeked.
Flycatchers included Least and Great-crested.  Three Eastern Kingbirds were at Blenheim Lagoons.
Red-headed Woodpeckers have come in.  I had at least five at the north end.  (Hi Dwayne!).
Several Red-breasted Nuthatches were creeping throughout the park.  They just came in the last day or so as well.
I saw my first group of Purple Finches today for the year. They were absent all winter.
There were other more common birds, of course.

A huge number of Red Admiral butterflies was evident today.  I saw well over 100 in the park alone.

At Blenheim Lagoons, I think the Wilson's Phalarope has left.  It was last reported on Wednesday.  A Sora Rail made an appearance.  I would have missed it, but a young birder pointed it out to me!  Some Bobolinks were in the field to the north. 

Sora  (Look at those mudhooks!!)

Other shorebirds included both Yellowlegs, Dunlin, Pectoral, and Spotted Sandpipers.  I already mentioned the Eastern Kingbirds, first for the year.
Shorebird Collection

1 comment:

  1. Wow... great posting and photos Blake. Thanks for the 'shout out' about the Red Headed Woodpeckers. I actually saw some today as well. It looks like you had a little more sun then Pelee had. I had an incredible day just birding by myself at Pelee.
