Friday, April 30, 2010

Here They Come.....

A warm day today! Some more new birds and butterflies came in. Not too many up this way, but likely more along the north shore of Lake Erie. This is likely the first good migration day.
I had virtually nothing at Port Lambton this morning which surprised me.
North of Wallaceburg I had my first Baltimore Oriole of the year as well as a Black and White Warbler.

Red Admiral

There was a noticeable influx of Red Admirals today. It is an immigrant butterfly. I had a couple at Reid CA this evening and at least five were in the yard till dark. They just kept flying around and chasing each other. Others in the province noted an influx today as well.
At Reid, the first butterfly was an American Painted Lady.

American Painted Lady

There were several Juvenal's Duskywings, but I could not get a really good photo. They are not much to look at anyway. Many of the duskywings look alike, but you can see the differences.

Juvenal's Duskywing

I had a total of six species of butterflies, including a Clouded Sulphur which was new for the year.
At home birds in the yard included White-crowned Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and Red-breasted Nuthatch.

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