Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rondeau May 22

No photos today.  As usual the morning started off cloudy, rainy and drizzly.  Typcial sign that is a weekend!  At least it was warm, and the afternoon weather did clear up.
Birds were around, but few and far between.  Unusual for the Holiday Weekend.  One had to work for them today at Rondeau Park.
Not surprisingly, quite a few flycatchers had come in.  Many Alder Flycatchers were throughout the park.  As well, I picked up an Acadian Flycatcher in a reliable spot that I find them every year.  I got a look at an Olive-sided Flycatcher at south point trail parking lot.  It is one of my favourite with its "Quick-three-beers" call.  Unfortunately it was silent. 
Gray-cheeked Thrushes were in numbers and lots of Swainson's Thrushes were around too.
Warblers included a total of 21 species for myself.  Best was a singing Connecticut Warbler on south point trail.  Lots of Tennessee, Wilson's and Blackpoll were around--a sign that the month of May is waning.
Cedar Waxwings were in large numbers today--another sign of late May.
Most sparrows have gone, but a few Lincoln's were around. 
I met "The Grippers" who were doing there annual Baillie Birdathon.  They were doing quite well.  I gave them a few tips on where to find some species.
At Blenheim lagoons, a total of three Red-necked Phalaropes were swimming in pond 5.  A Wilson's was around as well.  It has been a good year for phalaropes showing up at Blenheim. 
Erieau was quite foggy, so it was not too productive.

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