Saturday, April 17, 2010

Typical Weekend Weather!

Burn Area on south point trail

I birded Rondeau this morning. As usual, the weather turned nasty for the weekend. Almost every weekend this year has been crappy. The weekdays were nice, but as usual the weather forecasts were wrong (it was supposed to rain most of the week!).
There certainly were not many birds to see. I walked the entire south point trail and did not see a warbler until I was three quarters around. A Pine Warbler was working some Pine trees, not surprisingly. It did not co-operate for a photo, nor did it respond to pishing.

Pine Warbler

I finally did see a Woodcock strutting along the trail at one point. Also, a Virginia Rail was ticking in one of the sloughs. Other birds, few and far between included a single Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a few Ruby-crowned kinglets and Brown Creepers and two (!) White-throated Sparrows. There were a few Chipping a Field Sparrows as well. At one point I heard a Common Loon calling while flying overhead.
I also saw a Pileated Woodpecker at one point. No Red-headed are around yet as far as I know.

There were no Hermit Thrushes until I saw one about two thirds of the way around the trail. There were several on Spicebush Trail though, as well as Harrison Trail.
Almost forgot to mention the Tufted Titmice. I saw them in four different spots on south point trail. There were two pairs and two other single birds. No doubt there are others in the park, so they are increasing in numbers.

Hundreds of Bonaparte's Gulls were on the lake, but I did not see any less common gull with them.
It was brutal at Blenheim Lagoons, needless to say, but I looked for the Wilson's Phalarope rather extensively. I think it crawled under a chunk of concrete, because I could find it! Shorebirds included about 8 Pectoral Sandpipers, and three or four Dunlin.

Pectoral Sandpiper

At Erieau, there were quite a few Greater Black-backed Gulls, among others. A Mockingbird and Brown Thrasher were along McGeachy Pond dyke. I did not brave the R/R track trail!

Red Trillium

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