Thursday, April 15, 2010

Evening Walk

It was too nice to stay in this evening, so I headed up to Reid CA for a short walk. A few birds were in including White-throated Sparrow, both kinglets, Yellow-rumped Warblers, and even a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. The gnatcatcher was my first of the season. Usually a couple of pairs nest there.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Many wildflowers ore out. Even Mayapple is well advanced. Everything, such as the trees, are about two weeks ahead of schedule.
Lots of Trout Lilly were out (the usual yellow form), but some white one were there as well.

Trout Lilly (two forms)

I am not an expert on wildflowers, but others included Cut-leaved Toothwort, Spring Beauty and Wood Anemone.

Cut-leaved Toothwort

Wood Anemone

The Blue-gray Gnatcatcher was nice to watch. It came in fairly close as I pished at it.

Curious Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Not much has been at Brander Park Port Lambton lately, but the odd Yellow-rumped Warbler has been around plus both kinglets.
The Black Swallowtail from a couple of days ago was certainly very early. I have not found another recorded sighting earlier, but there probably is somewhere.
This weekend should reveal some other migrants, but as usual, it will get cold!


  1. Great photos Blake! Nice BGG. I've also noticed with much sadness that leaves are almost fully out, and migrants haven't even showed up yet!

  2. Great photos Blake! Nice BGG. I've also noticed with much sadness that leaves are almost fully out, and migrants haven't even showed up yet!
