Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Warbler!

Northern Parula

Not much to report again today. The crappy weather continues. Weather forecasts continue to be useless! etc. etc.
Rondeau had two whole warblers today. A Pine was on south point trail (could have been the one I had yesterday on Harrison for all I know!), and a surprise on Spicebush Trail--a Northern Parula. It is not quite record-early. I cannot find reference to the early one a number of years ago, but I remember Steve Charbonneau and I had one on south point trail 21 April 2000 which was 11 days record-early at that time.
It was such a dull day (must be the weekend!) that photography was impossible. The bird did not co-operate anyway, but I did get sort of a photo (as seen above).

A pair of Cooper's Hawk is nesting on Tulip Tree Trail once again.

The Nest Site!

Quite a few Ruby-crowned Kinglets were out and about, as well as a number of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers.

South of Morpeth, I caught sight of a Red Fox along the road. I got a "drive-by" shot of it bounding over the corn field.
No doubt Monday will be nice and sunny......


  1. Blake,

    Fantastic news about the Northern Parula. I saw one in Florida several weeks back. I really enjoy reading your generously informative birding posts!

  2. Very cool action shot of the fox. Northern Parula is a nice sighting.

    My highlight today...WESTERN GREBE! I finally got it. Posted at noon, got there by 1 and got great views. It was at Colonel Sam may have seen the Ontbirds post.

    Good birding.
