Friday, April 23, 2010

Wildflowers to Timberdoodles

Spring Azure

I was off early today, so I took advantage of the nice weather and too a walk at Reid CA. There was not much bird activity (three or four Yellow-rumped Warblers), so I looked for other things such as wildflowers. As well, I saw five species of butterflies. The most noteworthy was a Juvenal's Duskywing. It is early for this species. None of the butterflies co-operated for a photo except the Spring Azure.

Many wildflowers are out early, needles to say. The above one I am not sure. There was a type of Solomon's Seal there though.
I found a Blue Phlox in bloom.

Wild Blue Phlox

Lots of Trout Lily was out, including the white form.

Trout Lillies (white form) with Spring Beauty

Trout Lilly

Just before I left, I notice a bird doodling on the road in the distance. Can you tell what it is?

It eventually went off to the side......


1 comment:

  1. Blake, wow... great catch on the American Woodcock. I've been trying to photograph one at Ojibway since early April. I hear them just before dusk, but I just can't see one in the grass. I also photographed some wildflowers today.
