Thursday, April 29, 2010

Anticipating the Weekend

Not many birds have come through yet. Only trickles it seems. I expect a good number this weekend as the warm front comes through.
A number of Yellow-rumped Warblers showed up this morning. About a dozen were at Brander Park, Port Lambton. Only a Blue-headed Vireo was different amongst them. A Common Loon flew overhead at one point.
I also had a Red-headed Woodpecker. The woodpecker is actually new for my list there! )I was not sure until I checked tonight). It brings my total to 199 for that location! It is a good migrant trap.
For the past week, Ring-necked Pheasant has been hanging around the railroad tracks, behind the woodlot and bordering the sewage lagoons. It is new for my list there as well. Pheasants seem to be getting scarcer anymore. So, two new birds for Brander Park in a week!
This week, lots of Forster's Terns have been moving up the St. Clair River. On Tuesday, there was quite a number. A few Bonaparte's Gulls were out there as well.
After supper today, I headed up to Reid CA but was rather disappointed. It was very quiet. Eventually I heard some Yellow-rumped Warblers, as I stood in one spot. At least 15 came through, but nothing with them except a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. A couple of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers were around too.

A couple of ship photos follow. There were three in a row this morning! Usually I see none.


CSL Salarium

1 comment:

  1. Blake, great posting. I'm jealous of the RHW! Did you change the fonts for your blog recently? I think the older, unbolded serif font makes for better readability, but... thats just my humble opinion :-) lol
