Sunday, April 25, 2010

Some Warblers and Another Gull - Rondeau Area

As usual, the weather was horrible today. Even worse than yesterday if that is conceivable!
Some birds must have come in, as Pelee had some birds that were absent yesterday. A few new migrants were at Rondeau, but you had to work for them.
Highlight was a Louisiana Waterthrush on Spicebush Trail. It was recognized by its distinctive song.
Along Rondeau Road were a few Yellow-rumped Warblers, a Nashville Warbler and a Blue-headed Vireo. Lots of Ruby-crowned Kinglets and White-throated Sparrows were present as well.
Hermit Thrushes were numerous in most areas.
Almost forgot to mention that I had a late American Tree Sparrow on south point trail first thing this morning. We also saw a Red-breasted Nuthatch.

Glaucous Gull (tip of Rondeau)

Over at Erieau, a first year Glaucous Gull was on the point of Rondeau. Too bad I did not see it yesterday to add to the gull list. Not as many gulls were around today though. We sometimes get Glaucous and Iceland Gulls well into May.
Along McGeachy Pond I found a very brilliant Black-throated Green Warbler--the first for the year. If only the sun was out.....but then again we have to remember it is the weekend.
I also saw one of the local Northern Mockingbirds along the dyke.
A Palm Warbler was over on the R/R track trail to add to the warbler list of the day.

Black-throated Green Warbler

1 comment:

  1. Blake, Nice Black-throated Green Warbler! Especially considering the cloudy overcast. I'm sure next weekend will be fantastic. And just by statistics, the weather should be better as well. What are the odds we have three consecutive crappy weather weekends??? LOL

