Not too much to report lately, but I have done some lake watching in different locations. Seems the lakewatches have not produced as much as anticipated!
Friday, a late day visit to Mitchell's Bay was a bit windy. It was clear though. I could see the Detroit skyline quite well.
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View towards St. Anne's Island |
I had a close encounter with a Black-throated Blue Warbler. A bit too close to fully focus!
On Saturday, I went up to Sarnia as the wind seemed fairly decent. It started off with a bang when I spotted a Sabine's Gull just before it got very light. No opportunity for a photo, but there it was. I never saw it after that. However, late in the day presumably the same bird made a close pass for viewers!
There were lots of duck and gulls, but the only notable was an early Iceland Gull.
The next day, a stiff north wind was blowing. I chose Ipperwash Beach for a lakewatch. It fell quite short of expectations. There were lots of ducks, especially White-winged and Black Scoters, but nothing really of note. I was joined by Bill Lindley and James Holdsworth, but after a few hours we concluded it fell short.
Monday, I stayed close to home on a drizzly day. Lots of sparrows at Peers Wetland, but despite a valiant effort, nothing of note was seen.
Today, I went down to Rondeau. Wind was not favourable for a good lakewatch, but we tried anyway. It was comfortable for watching on a fairly calm lake. Lots of ducks, especially Ruddy. Horned Grebe numbers are building, but that was the only species of grebe seen. And, just Common Loons were noted.
Passerine numbers were good in the park. Dog beach parking lot was crawling with warblers and kinglets. Of note, was a tardy Cape May Warbler.
There was Orange-crowned and Blackpoll, and scads of Yellow-rumped.
I walked south point trail which kept me busy for a while. A lingering Red-eyed Vireo was working some dogwoods at one point.
Lots of Ruby-crowned Kinglets around lately.
I stopped by Keith McLean Conservation Lands on the way back home. It was quite busy with birds, and after 1.5h I was tired. I would have liked to stay longer!
I managed to get three Nelson's Sparrows, and no doubt there were more there.
One, a bit distant, was scruffy and with little colour. May possibly have been Le Conte's? Wrrants further study, so will update.
Green-winged Teal numbers are impressive there. I estimated around 585 on a quick count.
Turkey Vultures were migrating today, and during my visit well over 400 were seen to the north.
A few butterflies were out today as it was a bit warmer, including this Bronze Copper.
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