Several other species of warblers were mixed in, making things interesting.
Northern Parula |
Some Pine Warblers were also around, including this one which did not co-operate!
I stopped by McLean Conservation Lands after the Rondeau visit on Sunday. I managed to get a glimpse of the first Nelson's Sparrow. It was windy, and that aspect kept sparrows hunkered down. When they did pop up, they were very quick to go back into hiding!
Lots of Swamp Sparrows around right now as well.
Not much to report on Monday, so on to Tuesday where I went back to Rondeau. I had the urge to walk out marsh trail to the half way mark. Lots of sparrows, Yellow-rumped Warblers and Palm Warblers, but no rarities.
Grey Catbirds were numerous, and at one spot I counted seven.
Some Rusty Blackbirds were working the dogwoods.
After completing the 7 km round trip out marsh trail, I was still feeling ambitious enough to walk south point trail east.
Lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers again, with a few others mixed in. This Blackpoll Warbler was one of the "yellowest" I have seen. I managed a bad photo....
Vireos have vacated the area it seems, but this curious Blue-headed was in a mixed flock of birds. Too bad it was not all gray.
Towards the beach near the light beacon, dozens of Tree Swallows were swirling around. Over the lake, I noticed some storm clouds, and a couple of funnels developing. They never got too big though.
In years past, I have seen water spouts over the lake. Neat to see!
In the sand, I always have an eye out for mussels. Some Fatmucket had washed up.
Wednesday, I stayed fairly close to home, checking out Mitchell's Bay and then Peers and Reid north of here. Birds are getting scarce!
Hermit Thrush |
Lots of sparrows have been at Peers, but nothing of note. A few years ago, I did see a Nelson's there, so one can remain hopeful!
Today, for lack of any other idea, I went back to Rondeau. I started with a lakewatch, joining Steve C. Not the best wind, but there have not been many appropriate winds this fall for the location. There was enough activity to keep us interested, with lots of ducks and loons (Common).
We then decided to walk out marsh trail to the half way point. Not far into the walk, I spotted a Nelson's Sparrow! It did not come out into full view, but enough to get a photo of sorts.
It was a good start, but the rest of the walk did not reveal anything of note. We needed the exercise anyway!
Before going home, I stopped by Keith McLean C. L. Yesterday, Nelson's Sparrow was seen there, but I could not scare one up today. The wind was weaker than it had been earlier in the week, so it was quite pleasant, and better for viewing sparrows.
A few shorebirds were on the mud, but nothing of note. Green-winged Teal are in huge numbers right now. I estimated over 500 today!
Butterflies included this sluggish Red Admiral.
Weather looks crappy the next couple of days, but this weekend looks good for heading north to Lake Huron! Time to head up that way for a change I think.
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