I saw a pair of Dickcissels right away.
I did not spend much time there, but the view of the lake was inviting. I did see at least one Common Loon on the water.
Near Hillman Marsh, 3 Sandhill Cranes were in a field along Mersea Rd. 21. This is a good spot for shorebirds as well.
Over at Hillman Marsh, I met up with Rick Mayos, who pointed out a couple of Least Bitterns at the bridge on Mersea Road 2. One was right beside the bridge, giving crippling views!
There were several birds here including Marsh Wrens and a multitude of Bank Swallows. This weekend has see a big influx of Bank Swallows.
The other bittern was across the open water.
On to Point Pelee, I was interested in looking for butterflies and dragonflies. The numbers were not there, but there was enough to keep one interested. Giant Swallowtails were quite numerous today.
I concentrated on the west beach footpath from West Beach to the Tip.
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Common Buckeye |
Highlight was an Olive Hairstreak. They seem to be more and more difficult to find anymore.
They have two broods during the year, so this would be the second.
The only two skippers were a Northern Broken-Dash and a Dun Skipper.
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Dun Skipper |
No photos of odes, but Common Green Darner was most plentiful. There were lots of Twelve-spotted Skimmers, some Blue Dashers, Common Whitetails, and a couple of Wandering Gliders among others like Black Saddlebags and Ruby Meadowhawk.
On the way back, I stopped to walk around the shorebird cell at Hillman. No Dickcissels! Many have gone quiet or dispersed by now, yet some are still nesting elsewhere.
Leps were few, but I did see a couple of Common Checkered-Skippers.
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Common Checkered-Skipper on clover |
Bank Swallows were plentiful here as well. The wires beside the cell were laden with them. Perhaps 400+!
Here we are at the end of July already......soon it will be time to see lots of warblers, etc.
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Common Painted-Lady on burgemot |
Blake, great posting. Its been a while since I've seen or heard a Least Bittern. Nice find! - Dwayne