Yellow Warblers were in bunches, soon to depart in a southerly direction.
After a walk on south point trail, I went over to Marsh trail and walked to the half way point. I was hoping to see more butterflies along the way, but par for the course this year, there were very few. It was certainly good exercise!
Over at Blenheim Lagoons, things were more interesting with lots of shorebirds present. However, they were very skittish and one could not get very close to them.
I did see a Stilt Sandpiper (FOY) and the continuing Short-billed Dowitcher. Lesser Yellowlegs were numerous as were Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers.
Some Semipalmated Plover were present, including this nice looking one in the sprinkler cells.
The summering male Ring-necked Duck was still swimming around, along with several Pied-billed Grebes.
A few Common Buckeye were fluttering around in the stiff breeze.
After getting home, I headed up to McKeough CA knowing the Flag-tailed Spinylegs would be out. Several were easily found along the riverbank.
Many Eastern Amberwings were along the bank as well.
One last stop was to check out the prairie planting at Nicholl's Memorial Forest, Wilkesport. In the wooded area, I spotted a large darner which turned out to be a Fawn Darner. I could not get in a good position to photograph it, but it is one that I rarely see.
The prairie area is coming along nicely and has a fair number of Spiked Blazing Star, among other plants. They were gently swaying in the breeze today.
There is lots of Virginia Mountain Mint, Ironweed and several other species.
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