Sunday, June 1, 2014

May is Gone!

Rondeau was on the radar this morning on this first day of a new month.  Now that May is behind us for another year, I wanted to see what migrants were still around.  There were not many migrant types, and I had only a half dozen Blackpoll Warblers and a Northern Waterthrush.  However, I spent most of the time out marsh trail where there would be fewer warblers and such.
Firstly, I quickly checked south point trail.  The only thing of note was a singing Acadian Flycatcher somewhere back in. (the one at spicebush trail is still present as well).
My main interest today was to check marsh trail and see if the Sedge Wrens were there.  I confirmed my suspicions and did not hear any!  This is the first time in many years I have not encountered a Sedge Wren out there.
A white-eyed Vireo was singing in the usual spot.  Every year one is at a certain location--probably the only one in the park.
A couple of Blackpoll Warblers were along the way, and on my return trip, a Northern Waterthrush was along the trail.  It could be a late migrant, although they have nested in the park.

More and more dragonflies are coming out now.  This fresh Dusky Clubtail was on the trail.

The morning was still young so I checked out Blenheim Lagoons.  Semipalmated Sandpipers were the bird of the day with over 100 present.

A single male Wilson's Phalarope and a single White-rumped Sandpiper were mixed in.

The morning was still far from over, so I decided to look at the Dickcissels east of Wheatley.  Yesterday, Jeremy Hatt reported them as present.  I thought maybe 5 singing males were present.

Still not noon!  I went into Hillman Marsh (without scope, no-less).  About 100 Semipalmated Sandpipers were there as well.  Some White-rumped Sandpipers were actually fairly close and easily picked out.
A few small gulls were sitting around too.  Even without a scope I could pick out 5 first cycle Little Gulls. Seemed a bit odd to have that many, but they come and go.  At least one was present all week.  I found four last Sunday, so possibly those are the same birds.

Jeremy Hatt came along shortly afterwards to scope them out.

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