No real highlights. I was hoping to come across a Sachem somewhere, but no luck. Here is one from Pelee Island on the weekend courtesy Paul Carter.
I mainly did West Beach Trail/Beach south of the west beach parking lot.
Common Checkered-Skipper (1)
Fiery Skipper (8)
Little Yellow (1)
Dainty Sulphur (1)
Gray Hairstreak (4)
At Hillman Marsh shorebird cell, I walked around the entire thing.
Common Sooty-Wing (2)
Common Checkered-Skipper (60+) --my highest total ever!
Fiery Skipper (14)
Dainty Sulphur (26) --my highest total ever!
Gray Hairstreak (1)
Common Sooty-Wing
Dickcissels were still present, but they were not singing. Just some chipping and the way they were acting I think there were juveniles present.
Very little in the way of birds to look at. A 2nd cycle Lesser Black-backed Gull was at the Tip.
An Olive-sided Flycatcher was at De Laurier (no vocalizations).
Spot-winged Glider at Pelee
Blake, I stopped by Point Pelee today myself. I wish I had known about that Olive sided Flycatcher! It would have been a nice lifer! -DM