Sunday, July 29, 2012

Pelee: Ode to Joy

Common Painted-Lady (very common!)

I skimmed down to Point Pelee today to look for insects.  Turned out to be a decent day with lots flying.  For something different, I started on Marsh Boardwalk.  I heard that Lilypad Forktails appear there among other things.  Some were seen yesterday by Bruce Ripley.  Not sure if I saw any since many of those damn selflies look so much alike.
A family of Eastern Kingbirds was working the rails.

Least Skipper (numerous today)

I walked around De Laurier trail next hoping to find some birds.  No such luck.  In fact there were very few birds today.
By this time, it was sunny enough on west beach trail to look for leps and odes.  Actually there were lots of butterflies and dragonflies flying, so I was kept busy.  Flies were plentiful as well, so it was uncomfortable at times.  I expected this with the recent northerly wind.  I walked twice, with a break in between.

Variegated Meadowhawk

Highlight butterfly was a female Horace's Duskywing.  This creature was very mobile as I chased it around and I only managed one half decent photo.
Horace's Duskywing!

Highlight dragonfly was an immature female Great Blue Skimmer. This large dragonfly caught my eye and I managed one decent photograph.  After capturing it with the camera, I thought about it for a few minutes and concluded it was a Great Blue Skimmer.  After finding one a month ago in Middlesex county and researching them, it was an easy fit.  Only a couple of Point Pelee records previously.
Great Blue Skimmer!

Here is a list of butterflies that I posted this afternoon:

Silver-spotted Skipper (1)
Horace's Duskywing (1 female)
Fiery Skipper (8)
Dun Skipper (1)
Giant Swallowtail (~15)
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (4)
Spicebush Swallowtail (2)
Gray Hairstreak (2)
Variegated Fritillary (1)
Common Painted-Lady (100+)
Common Buckeye (~35)
+ other common ones
Variegated Fritillary

Gray Hairstreaks

Dickcissels were still singing away in the traditional spots.  One at concession C, and the few at Hillman Marsh CA.
noisy Dickcissel

All in all, a good day after sleeping in a bit and heading home by 2 p.m.!

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