Saturday, April 21, 2012

More Warblers, Vireos and others-UPDATE

I could tell it was the weekend when I got up this morning.  High winds, threatening rain and very cold.  Mind-boggling!

Although very chilly, it turned out to be a decent birding day.  Not a lot of birds, but some new for the year, etc.  I birded Rondeau Park with Steve Charbonneau this morning.  White-throated Sparrows were everywhere and a few warblers and vireos were around.
South point trail had a Palm and Black-and-White Warbler and a couple of Blue-headed Vireos.  A Northern Mockingbird also made an appearance.  A Spotted Sandpiper was along the beach.
At the visitor centre we had FOY White-eyed Vireo.

We came back later and heard the Yellow-throated Warbler singing atop one of the White Pine trees. Previously we stood vigil at the McArthur's and did not see it.  It works the pine trees from the visitor centre to the McArthur's place just like last year.
Just got a photo of the warbler from today from a friend (Josh R. Bouman).  It was carrying nesting material (?) to a spruce tree!

A female Rose-breasted Grosbeak and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird were new for the year there.
basket case

Behind maintenance we found a good flock of birds including Black-throated Greens, Black-and-White, Palms, Nashville, Blue-winged and of course several Yellow-rumped.
(I tried!)
Late, I met up with the Bouman duo and we had at least one Pine Warbler south of the VC.
Lots of Hermit Thrushes were around today.

Earlier in the morning I heard that there was a Bell's Vireo at Pelee.  I was done at Rondeau by noon, so I headed west to Pelee.  Since the shuttle left 3 min. early, I ended up walking down the west side!  On the way I came across a nice group of warblers, etc. including a couple of Blackburnian.  A group of birders were at the serengetti tree where the Bell's Vireo was last seen less than half an hour earlier.  We looked around for two hours and saw lots of birds including the Prairie Warbler, but no Bell's.  Several Blue-headed were in the area and more warblers including Blue-winged.  I spent some time with Andrew Keaveney, but we never came up with the subject bird.
I headed back and found some more warblers including an Orange-crowned and a couple more Blackburnian (different than the previous ones).
Blackburnian Warbler (one of four)

I briefly stopped at NW beach P.L. and saw a couple more warbler including Black-and-White.
even worse!

I did not need the Bell's Vireo for a life bird, but it was fun trying to find today's.  On May 20, 2006 Steve Charbonneau and I found one ("Arizona" form) at Rondeau Park.
BTW, the Yellow-throated Vireo at Rondeau last Saturday was locally record-early by nine (9) days!

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