Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Misadventures

a couple of these today

Went to Pelee again.  This was the original plan all week, as yesterday's was a last minute decision.  Since it was still the weekend, weather was somewhat crappy.  Sounds like a broken record, but it is certainly predictable.  But, strong north winds are forecast all week, so it looks like migration will be minimal.
I birded with Steve Pike today and met various other friends at some point.  It was tough going, but we found the best area was in the woods beside NW Beach parking lot.  There, Marianne reported a Yellow-throated Warbler early morning.
We ended up there later in the morning and found a few birds including a Red-eyed Vireo and singing Lincoln's Sparrow.  Steve and I also found a singing White-eyed Vireo across from the entrance to Marsh Boardwalk parking lot.  It later moved north.

Hermit Thrushes abound lately

After lunch, I headed down west beach trail towards the Tip.  It was till cold and windy but a few Red Admirals were flying.  I also saw one Question Mark butterfly.  I had hopes of getting a look at a meadowlark that Steve and I saw earlier in the morning.  I also saw it yesterday but never got a good look at it and of course it never vocalized.  It never settled down today or sang either. Could be a Western for all I know!
Near the serengetti tree I found the Prairie Warbler from yesterday.  I had good looks at it finally.

Prairie Warbler with Nashville in background

On the way home, I stopped at Hillman Marsh.  Lots of Dunlin were in close, and both yellowlegs present in the shorebird cell.  A Sandhill Crane was flying overhead.  We saw several today over the park.

On to another windy week....


  1. A week of cool strong north winds , hang onto your hat and bundle up !!!!

    It may not be quantity , but quality of birds that show up ????

    NO LLB's

  2. Maybe we will have to go "off trail" to see some birds. LOL!
