Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Heron Treat

Caught this scene late this afternoon.  Obviously certain people have been stocking Stewart Wetland with exotic fish!  I have seen several scenes like this in the last year with herons, cormorants and osprey catching these gold fish.

I have been checking Stewart Wetland every day now.  One of these days I hope something of interest is going to show.  It was fabulous for shorebirds last year, but just common stuff!
A couple of Wilson's Snipe and Lesser Yellowlegs were there this morning.  Several Blue-winged Teal have been sticking around.
Recently I thought of Tri-colored Heron.  They seem to have dropped off the map for Ontario in recent years.  That species was the first real rarity I went to see after I first started birding back in the late 1980's.  I have not seen one since!

Yellow-rumped Warblers finally showed up at Brander Park, Port Lambton yesterday and were still there today.  Northerly winds have kept them from moving.

Still looking forward to this weekend.  I am sure a good variety of things will be coming in with the brisk southerly winds.......

Purple Martin


  1. Blake, I have a photo of a Kingfisher with a giant goldfish at Malden Park in Windsor from last summer. Some in the Asian culture believe that releasing goldfish (exotic species) will bring them luck. Good birding!

  2. I bet the native species are relieved they share the wetland with gold coloured fish.

  3. I always enjoy seeing photos of goldfish being eaten... Not sure why, but it's funny...
