Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Birding Friday

Well, good weather anyway. Spent some time in Rondeau this morning and early afternoon enjoying the sun.
Birdwise, it was pretty much par for this time of year.  Still numerous Brown Creepers and kinglets.  Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers were scattered around, and several Fox Sparrows as well.  Sparrows were rather scarce today though.  Vesper and Savannah still have not shown up Wallaceburg way either.

I birded with Steve Charbonneau for a while and the only warbler we had was a Yellow-rumped on Tulip Tree Trail.  Later I found 4 or 5 along Harrison Trail from maintenance to the log pond (pony barn area).  Only a couple of Ruby-crowned Kinglets today.

Out marsh trail, we heard 2 or 3 Virginia Rails near the viewing tower.  The only swallows we have seen were Tree so far.  Terns are scarce, but it is early, and we saw only one Forster's.
Eastern Phoebes were plentiful today. I probably saw or heard about 15 in the park.

Butterflies included a couple of Eastern Comma, but it was pretty cold.  There were several Green Darners out today.

I headed up to Ridgetown later and noted the same 13 Snow Geese.  These creatures have been around since earlier in December!  Not sure what they find appealing there for this length of time.  A couple of Tundra Swans were still present as well.
Unlucky 13 Snow Geese (12 here + swan)

Lots of Turkey Vultures were out today.  Still looking for a Black....


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