Saturday, April 14, 2012

FOY Vireo--Yellow-throated!

It was obvious that some new birds would be in this morning along Lake Erie.  I met up with Steve Charbonneau at Rondeau and we started on south point trail.
The number of sparrows was up as well as Yellow-rumped Warblers.  At one point we heard a vireo sing twice in the distance.  Usually this time of year we think of Blue-headed, but this one sounded a but buzzy.  We never saw it nor heard it again.
A few hours later I went back to the trail myself and heard the vireo again.  Obviously a Yellow-throated!  I finally did see it singing atop a tree, but not conducive to a good photograph.  This bird is perhaps record-early for Rondeau.  Sometimes we see White-eyed rather early as well as Blue-headed, but not Yellow-throated.
Yellow-throated Vireo

Later, we did find a Blue-headed Vireo at the corner of Bennett and Rondeau Roads.  This was a good spot as  we also had a singing Black-throated Green Warbler, a pair of Pine Warblers and several Yellow-rumped.
Pine Warbler (one of five today)

failed photo attempt of Black-throated Green Warbler

Up the road we encountered FOY Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and many Ruby-crowned Kinglets.  Later one near this spot I came across a couple of Palm Warblers.

Palm Warbler

Sandhill Cranes were along the beach and overhead of south point trail.

Lots of Common Loons were flying by over the lake and park.

Bonaparte's Gulls were plentiful in the fields near Erieau. Pectoral Sandpipers were mixed in.

At Blenheim Lagoons, many Dunlin, both Yellowlegs, some Pectoral and 2 Wilson's Snipe were in the sprinkler cells.  The Snowy Owl was still in the back field!

Keep eyes peeled for Lapland Longspur.  Flock are moving through.  Late yesterday we saw 40-50 at Stewart Wetland near Wallaceburg.

Tomorrow looks to be interesting for newly arrived birds!

Partial Red Admiral:

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