Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fool's Birding

Down to Rondeau again to join Steve and Jim.  By the way Steve and Jim are doing a 'Rondeau' Big Year, so that area will be well-covered this year.  I have birded with them for over 20 years so things are pretty routine.
We started at south point trail, once again noting many kinglets and creepers.  Out first migrant Yellow-bellied Sapsucker of the spring was found.  One wintered at the campground area, so it was not new for the year.  Little else was noted down there.
Just north of the parking lot, I pished in a bunch of kinglets and two fresh migrant Yellow-rumped Warblers came in as well.  You can usually tell the ones that have come from farther south as they have colour.
We checked out spicebush trail again for the Louisiana Waterthrush, but it did not show.  I suspect it was farther south on that slough, but as I started driving up the road I heard a couple of chips that may have been the bird.  Not sure though as I never heard it again!
Outside the park we checked ducks along Rose Beach Line south of Morpeth.  Lots of scaup and scoters and perhaps a half dozen Horned Grebes.  We always hope for Western as it has never been recorded in the Rondeau Birding Area!  (long overdue I think).
The marsh trail (aka R/R track trail) revealed several Blue-winged Teal, a Carolina Wren and an Eastern Phoebe.  Little else.  McGeachy Pond harboured a Forster's Tern today.

We parted and I stopped at Blenheim Lagoons.  Lots of Bufflehead, Ring-necked, Ruddy Ducks and a few Redhead.  Also about 800 Bonaparte's Gulls.  I could not pick out anything different among them!

As I walked to the back, I noticed a white spot in the distant field.  It turned out to be a Snowy Owl.  Looked a little different than the one that has been hanging around along Bisnett Line near the mushroom plant.  So, likely two the area.
Hopefully the weather will co-operate this coming Holiday weekend, or at least have the sun come out for a change!

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